Wie du deinen Angestellten Job an den Nagel hängen kannst, 

ohne am Hungertuch zu nagen.

Mock up Laptop statt 9to5

Kennst du das?

  • Bei der letzten Gehaltsverhandlung bist du leider leer ausgegangen, weil du doch gerade erst aus der Elternzeit zurück bist.
  • Auf dem Weg zur Arbeit überlegst du ständig, ob du nicht einfach sitzen bleibst und weiter fährst an den Elbstrand.
  • Nach dem cholerischen Wutanfall heute morgen, hättest du deinen Chef am liebsten mit Malkreide auf die A7 vor den gesetzt.
  • Deine Kollegin hat nicht nur deinen letzten Joghurt aufgefuttert, sondern dich  auch gleich darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass in deiner E-Mail von gestern ein Buchstabe gefehlt hat. (OMG wie peinlich)
  • Deine neue Aufgabe könnte nicht mal ein Prosecco frizzante prickelnder machen.
  • Dein Kollege hat schon wieder in den einzigen 2 Wochen Kita-Schließzeit Urlaub genommen.

Wenn auch nur ein Punkt davon für dich stimmt, dann kann ich dir versichern:

Wenn dein jetziger Job sich anfühlt, als würde dir jemand ein viel zu enges Korsett stramm ziehen, dann liegt das in der Regel nicht nur daran, dass dein Chef ein Hornochse ist.

Es liegt oft daran, dass du einfach am falschen Ort bist bzw. deine Fähigkeiten weder wahrgenommen, noch wertgeschätzt werden.

Schön, dass du hier bist!

Denn ich stelle dir hier eine Möglichkeit vor, mit der du nicht nur mit deinen Fähigkeiten gesehen wirst, sondern auch noch Spaß daran hast.

Stell dir einmal vor, du könntest ...

  • ... mit dem Geld verdienen, was dir leicht fällt und Spaß macht. (huch diese Worte in einem Satz)
  • ... Aufgaben nicht nur selbst aussuchen, sondern die langweiligen auch wechseln, wenn es irgendwann nicht mehr passt, ohne jemanden fragen zu müssen.
  • ... selbst entscheiden wann, von wo und mit wem du arbeiten möchtest. Egal ob auf Mallorca oder im Wendland.
  • ... dein Einkommen verdreifachen und direkt beeinflussen. Und zwar ohne mehr Zeitaufwand.

Auch du kannst online und von zuhause arbeiten!

Ich hatte es so satt, jeden Tag fast mehr Zeit in der U-Bahn, als im Büro zu verbringen.

Ich hatte es satt, jeden morgen um 6 aus dem Haus zu schleichen, um die Kinder nicht aufzuwecken. 

Ich hatte es satt, jeden Mittag aus dem Büro zu stürzen, nur um rechtzeitig bei der Kita zu sein.

Wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch! 

Es ist leichter, als es aussieht. Es braucht ein wenig Mut und vielleicht auch einen Sprung ins kalte Wasser, ...

... aber wenn du keine Lust hast mit grauen Haaren noch mit den gleichen langweiligen Aufgaben in einem Büro in der Innenstadt zu verstauben, dann ist das hier genau das richtige für dich.

Ich präsentiere:
Mock up Laptop statt 9to5 mit Workbook

Dieses Programm ist für dich, wenn du keine Lust mehr hast auf nervige Chefs oder Kollegen, die dir den letzten Joghurt aus dem Kühlschrank klauen.

Das ist genau das System, mit dem ich meinen Job kündigen konnte und mein Einkommen - trotz gleicher Arbeitszeit - verdreifachen, ohne ein eigenes Produkt oder Coaching zu haben.  

Und du kannst es auch schaffen!

This limited offers ends soon!


Now reassure them that it‘s not their fault

In this section, help your audience forgive themselves for not overcoming this just yet. Let them know that it's not them…it's all the roadblocks and obstacles they're facing. The struggle is real.

Show them that you really get what what those roadblocks and obstacles are – because you've been right where they are. 

This is the perfect time to share your story and struggles. Why was it so hard for you to overcome this? What challenges and obstacles did you have to overcome? What limiting beliefs did you have?

Then, after a few paragraphs, transition to how you solved it, the important lessons you learned, and the "a-ha" moments that changed the way you approach what you do.

By the end of this section, your customers should feel like they can do it, too. They'll start seeing that there's a way out, and that's through you!

The ONE really big “a-ha” moment that changed everything for you – and that will change everything for them too.

Here’s what’s inside! Time to show them everything they’ll get:

Let your audience know how many modules there are and what each one is about.


Module 1: Title Of Module Here

Explain exactly what this module will teach them. You can even include the number of lessons, number of videos, worksheets, and so on. Any information that will help them visualize what this lesson will be like, and what it will teach them. Make sure you focus on the benefits that they'll get just by taking this module on it’s own. What will it help them do?


Module 2: Title Of Module Here

Explain exactly what this module will teach them. You can even include the number of lessons, number of videos, worksheets, and so on. Any information that will help them visualize what this lesson will be like, and what it will teach them. Make sure you focus on the benefits that they'll get just by taking this module on it’s own. What will it help them do?


Module 3: Title Of Module Here

Explain exactly what this module will teach them. You can even include the number of lessons, number of videos, worksheets, and so on. Any information that will help them visualize what this lesson will be like, and what it will teach them. Make sure you focus on the benefits that they'll get just by taking this module on it’s own. What will it help them do?


Module 4: Title Of Module Here

Explain exactly what this module will teach them. You can even include the number of lessons, number of videos, worksheets, and so on. Any information that will help them visualize what this lesson will be like, and what it will teach them. Make sure you focus on the benefits that they'll get just by taking this module on it’s own. What will it help them do?

Here’s what’s inside! Time to show them everything they’ll get:

Let your audience know how many modules there are and what each one is about.


Modul 1: Foundation

In diesem Modul schaffen wir die Grundlagen für deine Selbstständigkeit. Danach weißt du welche Dienstleistung du überhaupt anbieten kannst. Du weißt, mit wem du zusammenarbeiten möchtest und was deine Superpower ist. Wir kümmern uns auch um die Bürokratie: du hast nach diesem Modul dein Gewerbe angemeldet, eine Steuernummer und kannst Rechnungen schreiben.


Modul 2: Lebensfreude

Wir kommen ins Tun und machen uns gemeinsam Gedanken dazu, wie du wahrgenommen werden möchtest. Wir erstellen deine Produktpalette und berechnen deinen angemessenen Stundenlohn und Pakete dazu. Gleichzeitig werden wir kreativ und erstellen dir ein Mood Board, deinen Außenauftritt mit Logo und deinem persönlichem Branding.


Modul 3: Willenskraft

In diesem Modul geht es um das Durchhaltevermögen. Wie kannst du dich am sinnvollsten organisieren, welches Mindset ist wichtig, um auch erfolgreich zu sein. Welche Glaubenssätze begrenzen dich vielleicht noch, ohne dass du es merkst. Wir kümmern uns um das Alltägliche und was du brauchst, um Durststrecken zu überstehen.


Modul 4: Soulmate Kunden

Hier geht es um deine Kunden. Wir feilen noch mal genau daran, mit wem du arbeiten möchtest und wie du an diese Kunden herankommst. Wir fahren unsere Netzwerke aus und erstellen Pozesse, um Kunden auch gut zu betreuuen bzw. onzuboarden. 

Wir thematisieren auch unangenehme Dinge, wie z.B. wie werde ich einen Kunden los / Wie gehe ich mit Fehlern um usw.


Modul 5: Kommunikation

Wir beschäftigen uns intensiv mit Sichtbarkeit. Wir entwickeln Strategien, damit Kunden auf dich zu kommen. Wir schärfen deine Positionierung und deinen Aussenauftritt mit den bisher gewonnenen Erkenntnissen. 


Modul 6: Title Of Module Here

Explain exactly what this module will teach them. You can even include the number of lessons, number of videos, worksheets, and so on. Any information that will help them visualize what this lesson will be like, and what it will teach them. Make sure you focus on the benefits that they'll get just by taking this module on it’s own. What will it help them do?


Now it’s time to introduce your Bonuses!

Many times people will buy because of your bonuses. So use this section to share what else is in your program or course that you haven’t explained in your modules. Even if it’s a regular part of your course, if you haven’t mentioned it at all on your sales page yet, then it’s time to introduce it in this section as a Bonus.

Bonus 1

Title of your first bonus

Tell them all about this other great thing that they also get. Maybe it’s access to a members-only facebook group or online forum. If so, tell them about it here!

Tell them why this bonus feature of your course is going to help them achieve even more than what you’ve already outlined in the modules above. 1-on-1 coaching calls, downloadable workbooks, cheat sheets… whatever it is, mention it in this section.

Bonus 2

Title of your second bonus

Tell them all about this other great thing that they also get. Maybe it’s access to a members-only facebook group or online forum. If so, tell them about it here!

Tell them why this bonus feature of your course is going to help them achieve even more than what you’ve already outlined in the modules above. 1-on-1 coaching calls, downloadable workbooks, cheat sheets… whatever it is, mention it in this section.

Bonus 3

Title of your third bonus

Tell them all about this other great thing that they also get. Maybe it’s access to a members-only facebook group or online forum. If so, tell them about it here!

Tell them why this bonus feature of your course is going to help them achieve even more than what you’ve already outlined in the modules above. 1-on-1 coaching calls, downloadable workbooks, cheat sheets… whatever it is, mention it in this section.

Hinergrund - Boss Lady gold
Bonus 1

Title of your first bonus

Tell them all about this other great thing that they also get. Maybe it’s access to a members-only facebook group or online forum. If so, tell them about it here!

Tell them why this bonus feature of your course is going to help them achieve even more than what you’ve already outlined in the modules above. 1-on-1 coaching calls, downloadable workbooks, cheat sheets… whatever it is, mention it in this section.

Bonus 2

Title of your second bonus

Tell them all about this other great thing that they also get. Maybe it’s access to a members-only facebook group or online forum. If so, tell them about it here!

Tell them why this bonus feature of your course is going to help them achieve even more than what you’ve already outlined in the modules above. 1-on-1 coaching calls, downloadable workbooks, cheat sheets… whatever it is, mention it in this section.

Bonus 3

Title of your third bonus

Tell them all about this other great thing that they also get. Maybe it’s access to a members-only facebook group or online forum. If so, tell them about it here!

Tell them why this bonus feature of your course is going to help them achieve even more than what you’ve already outlined in the modules above. 1-on-1 coaching calls, downloadable workbooks, cheat sheets… whatever it is, mention it in this section.

Testimonials about why your product is so amazing

“Pull out a few key words from a testimonial. Since you’ve just introduced your product, it should focus on how much it helped them to achieve a big outcome. If you don't have testimonials for this specific product just yet, use another testimonial about what it's like to work with you.

– Happy Customer


If you have have photos of your customers, use this format. Pictures help validate the testimonial and help potential customers visualize themselves with these results.

– Happy Customer

Testimonials about why your product is so amazing

“Pull out a few key words from a testimonial. Since you’ve just introduced your product, it should focus on how much it helped them to achieve a big outcome. If you don't have testimonials for this specific product just yet, use another testimonial about what it's like to work with you.

– Happy Customer


If you have have photos of your customers, use this format. Pictures help validate the testimonial and help potential customers visualize themselves with these results.

– Happy Customer

Get instant access to [Product Name]

100% Garantie


Ich gebe dir mein Versprechen, dass ich 100% meines Wissens einsetze, um dir zu helfen, deinen Job an den Nagel zu hängen. 

But we get that every investment is an important decision. That’s why we want you to be able to test-drive the course to make sure it fits your needs, and we figure [XX] days is the right number. 

So if you buy [Product Name] today, and at any point in the next [XX] days you feel like it hasn’t given you amazing value, all you need to do is email us and let us know and we’ll refund your money. No questions asked!

100% Satisfaction Guarantee


We are sure you’re going to be thrilled with [Product Name] and get amazing results!

But we get that every investment is an important decision. That’s why we want you to be able to test-drive the course to make sure it fits your needs, and we figure [XX] days is the right number. 

So if you buy [Product Name] today, and at any point in the next [XX] days you feel like it hasn’t given you amazing value, all you need to do is email us and let us know and we’ll refund your money. No questions asked!

What will change for them after they use your product?

This section is to remind your customers of the biggest benefits they can expect. What will change for them after they go through your course?  How will they feel? What will they be able to do? What will their day be like once they overcome their struggles (stress-free, joyous, easy)? What results can they can expect?

Huge Benefit 1

Insert some text here that summarizes this specific benefit that they can get from joining your course

Huge Benefit 2

Insert some text here that summarizes this specific benefit that they can get from joining your course

Huge Benefit 3

Insert some text here that summarizes this specific benefit that they can get from joining your course

Huge Benefit 4

Insert some text here that summarizes this specific benefit that they can get from joining your course

Remind Them Why Your Course Is So Amazing

This section is all about placing value on your course before people see the price, which is coming up next.

So use this section to reinforce the value so that the pricing sounds reasonable.

Let them know that alternative solutions cost a whole lot more than your product. Or, mention what it would cost if they worked with you 1-on-1. You can also mention the opportunity costs of trying to figure it out on their own through months of trial and error vs. your proven product that will save them hours and hours.

The goal is to give people some way to "anchor" the value of your product.

(You can remove this section if your product is less than $50.)

Hey there, I’m [Name]!

Briefly introduce yourself, what you do, and who you do it for. Show off your achievements and prove why they should trust you to be teaching this topic. Include any websites or blogs you've been featured on here, too.

You want to sound knowledgeable, friendly and upbeat. Then talk about why you created this program and remind them about the benefits, what it will help them do. And that you're excited to be sharing it with them!

Featured in…

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logo placeholder
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Hey there, I’m [Name]!

Briefly introduce yourself, what you do, and who you do it for. Show off your achievements and prove why they should trust you to be teaching this topic. Include any websites or blogs you've been featured on here, too.

You want to sound knowledgeable, friendly and upbeat. Then talk about why you created this program and remind them about the benefits, what it will help them do. And that you're excited to be sharing it with them!

Featured in…


More testimonials (or repeat the same ones from above)

“Pull out a few key words from a testimonial. Since you’ve just introduced your product, it should focus on how much it helped them to achieve a big outcome. If you don't have testimonials for this specific product just yet, use another testimonial about what it's like to work with you.

– Happy Customer


If you have have photos of your customers, use this format. Pictures help validate the testimonial and help potential customers visualize themselves with these results.

– Happy Customer

More testimonials (or repeat the same ones from above)

“Pull out a few key words from a testimonial. Since you’ve just introduced your product, it should focus on how much it helped them to achieve a big outcome. If you don't have testimonials for this specific product just yet, use another testimonial about what it's like to work with you.

– Happy Customer


If you have have photos of your customers, use this format. Pictures help validate the testimonial and help potential customers visualize themselves with these results.

– Happy Customer

Have questions? We’ve got answers!

When does the course start and finish?

The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.

How long do I have access to the course?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

Do you offer a refund policy?

We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

How do I know if this program will work for me?

[Product Name]is designed for [who is your program for?]. Use this answer to describe the ideal customer and their biggest goals and aspirations.

How long will it take me to complete your course?

This program is a self-paced so you can work through it according to your schedule. That said, you'll get the best results if you dedicate at least 1-2 hours a week to the course material, and another 1-2 hours to applying what you've learned.

How is this different from other programs in [niche]?

There are loads of online guides and program out there on [your product topic], but this one is different. Describe what sets you apart from other programs or courses they may have tried or are researching.

It’s time to [get the really big outcome they want]. 

If you want to create X, build Y, and master Z, [Course Title] will help you do it.

Enroll now and start [achieving X outcome]

Get LIFETIME access to all the strategies to [reach a huge milestone], achieve this other big outcome], and [get the really big result they want most]. 


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