Meine Empfehlungen

Hier bekommst du eine Liste von Programmen, Tools oder Angeboten, mit denen ich arbeite oder einfach nur mega finde. Einige der Links sind Affiliate Links.

Das bedeutet: wenn du das Produkt über diesen Link kaufst, bekomme ich eine Provision. Für dich entstehen keine Extra-Kosten dadurch.

Dafür danke ich dir schon jetzt! Und nun, viel Spaß beim Stöbern!

Wertvolle Kontakte auf Fiverr

Ich empfehle dir hier nur Menschen, mit denen ich selbst bereits zusammengearbeitet und SEHR gute Erfahrungen gemacht habe. Einfach auf das Bild klicken und du kommst zu Fiverr:

Technik Support für deine WordPress Seite:

Installation des Thrive Themes in Wordpress:

Die verschiedenen Anbieter

E-Mail Marketing

Ich arbeite für meine Kunden mit verschiedenen E-Mail Marketing Systemen. Jedes hat seine Vor- und Nachteile. Hier meines Erachtens die drei besten:

Active Campaing

Das ausgeklügelte Tagging-System und die Regel-Erstellung „Wenn dies dann das“ ist eine wahre Wonne für alle Online-Verkäufer. 

Leichte Bedienung nach Einarbeitung.


Die Menüs sind nicht immer ganz selbsterklärend und die Oberfläche wirkt ein wenig trist. Man findet sich nach ein wenig Einarbeitungszeit aber zurecht.

Die Öffnungsraten sind bei KlickTipp mit deutschem Server einfach ein Pluspunkt.


Quentn ist ein recht neuer Anbieter am Markt, hat aber viel Potential. Einfach mit einem kostenlosen, unverbindlichen Test können Sie selbst Ihre Quentn Erfahrungen machen.

Oder hier ein Webinar dazu anschauen:

Here’s what’s inside! Time to show them everything they’ll get:

Let your audience know how many modules there are and what each one is about.


Module 1: Title Of Module Here

Explain exactly what this module will teach them. You can even include the number of lessons, number of videos, worksheets, and so on. Any information that will help them visualize what this lesson will be like, and what it will teach them. Make sure you focus on the benefits that they'll get just by taking this module on it’s own. What will it help them do?


Module 2: Title Of Module Here

Explain exactly what this module will teach them. You can even include the number of lessons, number of videos, worksheets, and so on. Any information that will help them visualize what this lesson will be like, and what it will teach them. Make sure you focus on the benefits that they'll get just by taking this module on it’s own. What will it help them do?


Module 3: Title Of Module Here

Explain exactly what this module will teach them. You can even include the number of lessons, number of videos, worksheets, and so on. Any information that will help them visualize what this lesson will be like, and what it will teach them. Make sure you focus on the benefits that they'll get just by taking this module on it’s own. What will it help them do?


Module 4: Title Of Module Here

Explain exactly what this module will teach them. You can even include the number of lessons, number of videos, worksheets, and so on. Any information that will help them visualize what this lesson will be like, and what it will teach them. Make sure you focus on the benefits that they'll get just by taking this module on it’s own. What will it help them do?

Bonus 1

Title of your first bonus

Tell them all about this other great thing that they also get. Maybe it’s access to a members-only facebook group or online forum. If so, tell them about it here!

Tell them why this bonus feature of your course is going to help them achieve even more than what you’ve already outlined in the modules above. 1-on-1 coaching calls, downloadable workbooks, cheat sheets… whatever it is, mention it in this section.

Bonus 2

Title of your second bonus

Tell them all about this other great thing that they also get. Maybe it’s access to a members-only facebook group or online forum. If so, tell them about it here!

Tell them why this bonus feature of your course is going to help them achieve even more than what you’ve already outlined in the modules above. 1-on-1 coaching calls, downloadable workbooks, cheat sheets… whatever it is, mention it in this section.

Bonus 3

Title of your third bonus

Tell them all about this other great thing that they also get. Maybe it’s access to a members-only facebook group or online forum. If so, tell them about it here!

Tell them why this bonus feature of your course is going to help them achieve even more than what you’ve already outlined in the modules above. 1-on-1 coaching calls, downloadable workbooks, cheat sheets… whatever it is, mention it in this section.

Testimonials about why your product is so amazing

“Pull out a few key words from a testimonial. Since you’ve just introduced your product, it should focus on how much it helped them to achieve a big outcome. If you don't have testimonials for this specific product just yet, use another testimonial about what it's like to work with you.

– Happy Customer


If you have have photos of your customers, use this format. Pictures help validate the testimonial and help potential customers visualize themselves with these results.

– Happy Customer

100% Satisfaction Guarantee


We are sure you’re going to be thrilled with [Product Name] and get amazing results!

But we get that every investment is an important decision. That’s why we want you to be able to test-drive the course to make sure it fits your needs, and we figure [XX] days is the right number. 

So if you buy [Product Name] today, and at any point in the next [XX] days you feel like it hasn’t given you amazing value, all you need to do is email us and let us know and we’ll refund your money. No questions asked!

Hey there, I’m [Name]!

Briefly introduce yourself, what you do, and who you do it for. Show off your achievements and prove why they should trust you to be teaching this topic. Include any websites or blogs you've been featured on here, too.

You want to sound knowledgeable, friendly and upbeat. Then talk about why you created this program and remind them about the benefits, what it will help them do. And that you're excited to be sharing it with them!

Featured in…


More testimonials (or repeat the same ones from above)

“Pull out a few key words from a testimonial. Since you’ve just introduced your product, it should focus on how much it helped them to achieve a big outcome. If you don't have testimonials for this specific product just yet, use another testimonial about what it's like to work with you.

– Happy Customer


If you have have photos of your customers, use this format. Pictures help validate the testimonial and help potential customers visualize themselves with these results.

– Happy Customer
